[영어 이메일] 호텔 숙소 제안, 교통이 편하고 쇼핑몰과 연계되었다는 것을 강조하는 경우

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 129회 작성일 23-07-12 08:14



Thank you for your inquiry regarding hotel accommodation rates.
I am pleased to provide you with a quotation for your stay based on the information provided.
Please find details of the estimated costs at the quotation.

Please note that the quoted rates are subject to availability and may be subject to change.
Should you require any further information or have any special requests, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I'd like to highlight that our hotel holds a significant advantage as it is conveniently situated right next to the subway, providing direct access to the city center.
Moreover, we are proud to be connected to a XX shopping mall, offering a diverse range of shopping and entertainment options.
This seamless integration with the mall enhances the overall guest experience, providing easy access to various amenities and creating a vibrant atmosphere.
Our guests can enjoy the convenience of exploring the city, shopping, and dining, all within close proximity to our hotel.

I look forward to welcoming you to our hotel and providing you with a comfortable and enjoyable stay.
If you have any additional questions or need assistance with your reservation, feel free to reach out to me.

Best regards,


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 801건 2 페이지


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