[영어 이메일] 이벤트 예약을 받았으나 정보 부족으로 견적서를 작성이 어려워 자세한 정보를 요청하는 영어 이메일 샘플

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 497회 작성일 23-07-20 17:11



I hope this email finds you well.
We are delighted to have received your event reservation request, and we appreciate your interest in hosting your event with us.
In order to provide you with an accurate and detailed quotation, we kindly request some additional information regarding your event.
Please provide us with the following details:

1. Event Date(s) and Time(s):
2. Expected Number of Attendees:
3. Type of Event (e.g., conference, seminar etc.):
4. Specific Event Requirements (e.g., audiovisual equipment, catering, room setup, etc.):
5. Any Additional Services or Special Requests:

Once we receive the above information, we will promptly work on preparing a comprehensive quotation tailored to your event's needs and preferences.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are here to assist you in making your event a memorable success.

Thank you for considering us as your event venue, and we look forward to receiving the requested details soon.

Best regards,


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Total 801건 13 페이지


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