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Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park

Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park1
Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park2
Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park3
Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park4
Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park5

Address 335, Bullo-dong, Dong-gu, Daegu, Korea

Phone number +82-53-984-3506

The Bullo-dong is adjacent to Geumho-gang (Geumho River), and the ancient tomb cluster is located in the east hill met by the road from Bullo-dong to Palgong Mountain as well as Gyeongbuk expressway. There are totally 211 ancient tombs in different sizes clustered here. They were unearthed twice in 1938 and 1963, and surveyed aiming at some of the tomb samples to discover lots of remains like gold ware, copper ware, iron weapon and crockery etc. The archaeologists speculated that the bloodlines were unified even though other ancient tombs in Bullo-dong Gubun-gun houses a total of 211 large and small go-bun. It is slightly different from the other gobun districts in Daegu, but is still considered to be of the same type. The time frame for the establishment of the entire gobungun is considered to be made during 5~6th century. It is designated as Historical Artifact No. 262 (designated on 1978.6.23).

Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park - Open Hours, Disabled Facilities, Korean Information Service, Foreign language guide service, Parking Facilities,
Open Hours unlimited
Disabled Facilities not available to use wheelchairs
Korean Information Service cultural heritage interpreter
Foreign language guide service available when the cultural heritage interpreters (English, Chinese, Japanese) are working, or when foreigner groups make a reservation in advance
Parking Facilities parking available


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