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Mayor's News

  • Announcement of Seoul Vision 2030 by Mayor Oh Se-hoon to Restore the Hierarchical Mobility Ladder and City’s Competitiveness

  • Mayor's News SMG 290,198

    seoul vision 2030

    On Wed, Sep. 15, Mayor Oh Se-hoon announced Seoul Vision 2030, the master plan of the basic directions of the city’s administrative operation for the next decade until 2030. The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) established Seoul Vision 2030 based on more than 100 sessions of in-depth discussions and deliberations of the Seoul Vision 2030 Committee comprising 122 individuals from diverse fields and classes, that took place since May. The top vision presented in Seoul Vision 2030 is “Seoul, up and running again for fairness.” The four future visions to be established by 2030 to realize the top vision are Seoul as a city of coexistence, a global leader, a safe city, and a future emotional city. In order to realize these visions through policies, four policy directions have been decided: the restoration of Seoul’s hierarchical mobility ladder; the enhancement of Seoul’s global city competitiveness; the realization of a safe urban environment; and the improvement of city’s dignity with elegance. Under the four policy directions, there are 16 strategic targets and 78 policy tasks to be pursued.

    Coexistence: Guaranteeing fair competition and opportunities by restoring the hierarchical mobility ladder for housing, employment, education and welfare

    First, the hierarchical mobility ladder will be restored to rebuild the driving force for the future development of Seoul. To guarantee fair competition and opportunities, the SMG will aim at constructing the structural system where the hierarchical mobility ladders in four fields, such as housing, employment, education and welfare, work in gear like cogs in the machine.

    Global Leader: Radical reform of regulations and great expansion of infrastructure targeting to become a top five global city

    Second, the SMG will pursue policies from various angles to enhance the city’s competitiveness aiming at making Seoul one of the top five global cities. In particular, regulations will be radically reformed to reinforce Seoul’s global competitiveness by constructing a high-quality business environment and attracting high-quality human resources, and related infrastructure will be greatly expanded.

    Safe City: Resilience against climate change, particulate matter, accidents, and disasters

    Third, the SMG will also endeavor to make an urban environment that is strongly resilient and safe from factors that threaten the life and safety of citizens and hamper the growth of the city, such as climate change, particulate matter, accidents and disasters.

    Future Emotional City: a dignified city with lively charm and elegance and coexistence of the tradition, present, and future

    Fourth, the SMG will make the city with lively charm and elegance where the tradition, present, and future coexist to heal the daily life of citizens who are exhausted with COVID-19 and enhance the dignity of the city. In order to guarantee the executive ability of the policy tasks of Seoul Vision 2030, the SMG will designate a director in charge for each task, analyze the process of each project through the quarterly project evaluation for the smooth pursuit of the project each year, and improve and develop the project plan. In addition, it will closely communicate and consult with the city council in the process of concretizing and implementing the policy tasks that are deduced from the vision.

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