영어 이메일 샘플) 투숙 예정 고객에게 확인 사항 문의

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 810회 작성일 24-03-21 10:20




Based on our conversation yesterday, here are the items I need to confirm and some additional questions I have.

Items to Confirm

1. Payment and Currency: The hotel only accepts payments in Korean Won (KRW), not in USD or any other foreign currency.

2. The following guests, who will be making individual payments, will either possess a valid card for payment or plan to pay in cash (KRW). Since you guarantees any payment-related issues, we will not require a deposit.

Guests Name: ***, ***

3. For the following four individuals, a separate master account will be created for any usage beyond the agreed terms. Any additional expenses incurred by them will be charged to this master account, meaning there will be no individual billing for these expenses.

Guests Name: ***,****


4. Payment for the recently added room charges(3 rooms x 2 nights) and the separately established master account will proceed by initially authorizing the payment on Oxana's credit card. Once the payment is confirmed, the credit card authorization will be canceled.

5. For those paying through the master account, we will not require credit card information for guarantee purposes. Instead, any additional expenses incurred will be charged to the credit card owned by Oxana.

Additional Questions

1. Check-in Procedure: Confirm whether guests will check in individually or if the group leader will pick up all keys and distribute them to the guests.

2. Please summarize any additional important details I need to be aware of.  


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Total 801건 1 페이지
